This Sunday (October 9th) is “World Hunger Sunday” on our denominational calendar. Most Christian groups observe World Hunger Day at some point, usually in the fall. Churches are encouraged to collect special offerings and send them for hunger relief. It has been said often that the Christians of the world have the resources to end world hunger if they chose to do so. At one point, some years ago, I believed that was true. It may still be. People identified as Christians control much of the wealth of the world.
Now I don’t think the problem of hunger will ever be eradicated. Crippling droughts have seized many lands, from the horn of Africa to areas of the United States and lands in between. Floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons and tornadoes have interfered with food production. Warring factions have even denied relief provided by the U.S. and other governments from reaching the populations for which it is intended.
And in the U.S. , one of the most blessed nations on earth, hunger still exists. Religious and government entities have addressed the needs of the hungry, but have been unable to overcome it.
Although I feel we cannot eradicate hunger, I believe it is God’s purpose for us to do what we can. The Jimmy Hale mission reminds us on television of how little money it takes to provide a meal for one person (less than two dollars). And we have multiple opportunities through the church and other charitable organizations to help. And we can encourage the government to continue to provide relief around the world.
One of the things Jesus will note at the final judgment is; “I was hungry and you gave me food.” (Matthew 25:35)
Grace and peace.