1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is what God wants you to do.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


            A $650 million plus mega ball lottery has been in the news recently.  There were three winners with tickets worth more than 200 million each.  But what impressed me was that there were over 100 million losers.  And that was just that one week.  I have no idea how many other losers there were in the weeks while the jackpot grew.
            Annalists tell us that the losers are primarily from the lowest economic level of our society.  Some of the poorest among us spend the most on lottery tickets.  The allure of a chance to “strike it rich” is very strong.  Television interviews explored the dreams of those buying the tickets, what they would do with the prize money.
            I can sympathize with them.  It would be nice to have all the money you could ever need.  But how much do we really need?  Paul in his first letter to Timothy gives us a warning, "And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.  But those who desire to be rich fall into temptations and a snare..." (1 Timothy 6:8)
            The problem is that our lifestyles have been so abundant, if not outright lavish, few of us would be content with just food and clothing.  Our society ramps up desire for more and more stuff.  And all this stuff takes money.  Thus the desire for money becomes more and more intense.
            Paul also warns us in that passage that the love of money is the root of kinds of evil (what people will do for it) and condemns us to lives of discontent.
            Thank God each day for what you have, asking Him to help you be a good steward of what He has given you and experience the contentment of which Paul speaks.             

Grace and peace.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


            It has been a good while since I last posted a blog.  In the meantime, we have made quite a transition.  We sold our home of 14 years, a home we loved and enjoyed but which had too many stairs and too much yard work and upkeep.  We bought a garden home in a retirement settlement.  Thus we have been in the process of moving and resettling, and it has been very easy to let the blog go.  But I hope to be back now with some regularity.
            Since we married and moved into our first apartment, Liz and I have moved eleven different times.  It seems each move has become increasingly difficult.  The easiest move we ever made was from Gulf Shores to LaFayette, Alabama.  Liz was eight months pregnant with our second daughter, Kit.  First Baptist Lafayette arranged the move.  On moving day we arose, ate breakfast, and left the dirty breakfast dishes in the sink. And with Julie and our little dog Sam, we left town.  The movers packed everything, including the dirty dishes.  At our new home the church members and the movers unpacked and arranged everything under our direction.  I, literally, did not lift a finger.      
            At Wednesday Prayer Service we have been studying the book of Genesis.  When Joseph wanted to bring his father Jacob (Israel) and his extended family down to Egypt from Canaan, Jacob was 130 years old.  I can only imagine the trepidation this old man experience concerning the prospect of such a move.
            Joseph and Pharaoh sent wagons to transport the family.  Jacob could not walk that distance, as could not the women and small children.  Pharaoh, in essence, told him “do not pack,” i.e. do not worry about all your stuff, your belongings.  The Egyptians would provide everything they needed in Egypt. 
            In this most recent move I felt like I was 130 years old.  Gratefully we had our children and a moving company to help us with the transition.  But more important, we had the promise of God, which promise he made to Jacob in his move to Egypt.  “Do not fear to go…I will go with you…” (Genesis 46:3-4)  I can testify that in every move we have made, God has been with us and blessed us.

Grace and peace.