1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is what God wants you to do.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


            The first night of our recent trip to New York City, two went  to a live Billy Crystal performance, four went to see the show “Annie,” and I went alone to see “The Book of Mormon.” I had been warned that it might be over the top for me, but I had read so many rave reviews of this nine Tony Award winning musical, I wanted to check it out. It turned out to be the dirtiest, most sacrilegious thing I have seen or read in all my 78 years. Frankly, I would not have been comfortable watching it with anyone else, even my wife.  Jesus was, I trust, forgiving.It was FUNNY. My daughter, Kit, dared me to blog about it. So here goes.
            In the plot, Elder Price has prayed all his life that when time came for him to do his obligatory two year mission he would be assigned to Orlando, Florida, the land of Disney and sunshine. Instead, he was paired with a nerd, Elder Arnold Cunningham, and they were sent to a remote village in Uganda. Elder Price is devastated but tries to reach the natives with the Mormon message, but with no success. Elder Cunningham, who has never even read the Book of Mormon, however, is accepted by the natives as the spokesman and proceeds to teach them his own made up version of Mormonism. Rejected and disciplined by his supervisors, he is established by the natives as the true teacher and they produce “The Book of Arnold.”
            Now what positive, if anything, can I find in it? First, recognize that we will not receive everything for which we pray, no matter who we are. Second, acknowledge that anything we receive can be used positively by God for His purpose, if we will listen to and follow Him. Not like Elder Cunningham who made it up himself. Our promise, i.e. the promise to those who are following Jesus Christ, is that God is at work in all things to bring about good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) 

Grace and Peace

Sunday, December 8, 2013


             I don’t know how many times recently I’ve heard someone say, “Surely God must be on Auburn’s side”, considering the “miraculous” last minute wins over Georgia and Alabama. Liz (Auburn fan) and I (Alabama fan) agree, however, that God does not favor any team above others, professional or amateur, in any sport. Instead we must look at ability, preparation, intensity and other factors. Also, some old fashioned luck must be included.
            We are taught in scripture that God is no respecter of persons, that he treats everyone the same. He plays no favorites. But for every person God is a helper. For every team He is a helper. “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10) That promise is for every person and every team.
            I have no problem when a player points up to the sky or crosses himself after an extremely good play. He is giving praise to God for His gifting him with ability and for giving him the opportunity to make a play. He is not necessarily claiming special or exclusive favor from God. He is doing what we all need to do, giving God the glory. 
             And if Alabama can't be national champs, Auburn should be. We need to keep the championship in state for the fifth straight year. :-)

Grace and Peace


Monday, December 2, 2013


Saturday I had an accident. I was distracted looking down at a GPS in a curve, looked up and saw I was running off the road into a mud hole. I overcorrected, slid across the road and into some trees. The airbag deployed, but, unusual for me, I had failed to buckle my seatbelt. I evidently slid around the bag and into the windshield. The van was totaled. I have a broken left forefinger, a neck brace, a bloody face, forehead and scalp, and am sore all over my body. I was in the ER twelve hours, and missed the Iron Bowl. But now I am at home typing this on Monday Morning (December 2nd).
Some would say that I was lucky or fortunate that it was no worse. With a little more force it could have been fatal. But I was not lucky. I was surrounded. “The angel of the Lord encamps all around them that fear Him, and delivers them.” (Psalm 34:7) I have spoken often of our need to look for God’s hand in everything that happens. So I am praising God that it wasn’t any worse, and I know His hand was in that. I am praising God that no oncoming vehicle was in the other lane on a busy road, and God’s hand was in that. So I am grateful to God for life, for medical care and for healing.
Lastly, my stupidity proves once again the danger of distracted driving. 

Grace and Peace