1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is what God wants you to do.

Sunday, December 28, 2014


             Families have different traditions associated with the celebration of Christmas. Certain foods are always on the menu for Christmas. Like at Thanksgiving, many families also cook a turkey for the Christmas season. In Liz’s family their traditional dish was boiled custard. In our family the traditional dish is ambrosia. Ambrosia, in Greek mythology, is the food of the gods and Nectar is the drink of the gods. Their food and drink was believed to give the Gods immortality.
 Our dish called ambrosia is so named because it is so delicious it is worthy of the name. There are dozens of dishes called ambrosia, but for our family there is only one ambrosia. When I was a child and a youth the ambrosia was made each year by my bachelor uncle, Roy Tom. When Roy got to the place he could no longer get it together, I took up the mantle of ambrosia maker using the same ingredients my uncle used: sectioned oranges, crushed pineapple, maraschino cherries and coconut, sweetened to taste. So each Christmas season I find myself at the kitchen sink peeling dozens of oranges and mixing them with the other ingredients. I then take a portion of ambrosia to each family gathering. 
            I don’t claim my ambrosia confers immortality no matter how good it is. There is food, however, which does give you immortality. Jesus said, “Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you,…” (John 6:27) 

Grace and peace.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


            Thank each of you for the cards and other communications wishing me and my family a Merry Christmas. We stopped sending Christmas Cards some years ago. Serving several churches with many members, it became impossible to include everyone. 
            Author Richard Armour wrote, “You cannot reach perfection though you try however hard to, there’s always one more friend or so you should have sent a card to.” Over 150 years ago Sir Henry Cole, founder of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, had so many Christmas greetings to send that hand writing them was impossible. So in 1843 he commissioned a painter to paint a card wishing a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. He could then send copies of the card to all he needed to contact. So the first Christmas card was born in England. For more than 30 years Americans had to import Christmas Cards from there. Today, in our country, Christmas cards have grown into a six billion annual business.
            Christmas cards have thus far resisted the paperless revolution of email. An email or text message doesn’t seem to have the same significance as a hard copy card.  But please allow me to use this blog to wish each of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And this greeting is quite sincere as I think of you individually.  “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.” (Philippians 1:3) 

Grace and peace.

Sunday, November 30, 2014


             I don’t have Alzheimer’s disease. Nor do I have dementia. I probably share some signs of senior memory loss by not severe. My greatest memory challenge is with the computer. I wrote last about a computer virus. This memory challenge has to do with “user name” and “password.” I can’t remember them. I use less than a half dozen of each. But I have a hard time remembering which goes with which account. I handle the problem by keeping a little book in my desk with all my accounts and their user name and password. If my first or second try to log into an account fails, I look it up in the book. A few I log into often I do remember.
               I find it is true with other things also. If I don’t write down a name after being introduced, I won’t remember it. Anything I want to remember, I know I need to write it down. 
              God, of course, can remember everything, except He has or will forget our sins. “For I will forgive their iniquity and their sin I will remember no more.” (Jeremiah 31:34) God will not forget us, but I am so glad that the Lord’s has me written in the “lamb’s book of life.” In his vision of heaven the Apostle John says he saw no one who was not written there. “But there shall by no means enter (heaven)…only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” (Revelation 21:27)           

   Grace and peace.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


            I’m sure it has happened to millions of others but you do not pay attention until it happens to you. One afternoon a few weeks ago a virus invaded my computer. I have no idea how it gained access,(I have Norton security and Webroot)but it succeeded in encrypting every one of my saved documents. There was a link which supposedly would allow you to reverse the encryption. I was unable to get the link to work. I have a contract with the Geek Squad, so I took the computer in to the local Best Buy.  They were able to remove the virus and a couple of more but were unable to reverse the encryptions. As a result I lost all my document files. To make it worse the thumb drive I was using for a backup was plugged in at the time and I lost my backup files also. So I lost all my documents. Gratefully my email accounts were OK.
            Thus far the breech in the computer has not been used to gain access into any of our financial accounts. I‘ve kept a close eye on them. It seems the virus is just a malicious plaything for some deranged hacker. Of course I do not know this hacker, or his/her motive. But I am obliged to forgive him his trespass. In teaching his disciples how to pray, Jesus gave them a model prayer. In that prayer He petitions “forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” (Matthew 6:12) Most interpret this to mean that we be forgiven in the same way or to the same extent that we forgive others. This is sufficient motivation for us to forgive others. So I forgive the hacker. Please don’t do it again. 

Grace and peace.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


            Hurray! The election is over for now. I grew so weary of the political ads. It seemed that ninety five percent of them were negative and personally attacked an opponent. We are told by political analysts that negative ads are more successful than positive ads. I wish it were not so. Positive or negative I grew so tired of these ads that on Wednesday week ago I felt I was released from prison. If you wanted to watch any television offerings in the weeks leading up to Election Day, you were compelled to also watch the ads. I am so glad the election is over for this cycle.
            I trust you exercised your right to vote.  Some say that if you didn’t bother to vote you don’t have the right to complain. The truth is it doesn’t do any good to complain. No matter what you think of the election’s results, those elected are now in charge of our government and deserve our support and prayers. Surveys indicate most citizens are frustrated with the government. The best thing we can do is pray for our leaders, collectively and individually. They need the Holy Spirit to direct them in their decisions. We need the Spirit to protect us from unwise actions of those in power. And prayer is not a wasted effort. We are told in James 5:16 “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”  I believe that! As I pray I know I have real input into the political process. 

Grace and peace.

Friday, October 10, 2014


             I just read a new book by the name “I Am Malala.” It is written by a Pakistani teenager, Malala Yousafzai, who was shot on her school bus by a member of the Taliban. Then just this week Malala received the Nobel Peace Prize, who at seventeen years of age, is the youngest person to ever receive a Nobel Prize. She was targeted for death by the Taliban because as a twelve, thirteen and fourteen year old she had become a widely known advocate and speaker for girls to go to school. The Taliban doesn’t think girls should be educated, or work outside the home. They are to stay in the house and when they do go outside they are to wear a burka (a full body covering with a slit for the eyes) and be accompanied by a male family member.
            The book is an inspiring story of this young girl and her courage. But I also recommend you read the book for a close look at the Taliban and the society they wish to create. Some of what they believe does have roots in Muslim teaching. But, like Christians, there are those who are moderates, liberals, conservatives and radical conservatives. But it isn’t the radical teaching of the Taliban which causes concern, it is their intent to kill anyone who does not agree with them, such as the girl Malala. Also, where they have power they kill anyone who will not convert to the Moslem faith. In this book one can glimpse the stupidity of their beliefs and their utter cruelty. My prayer is that God will save the Pakistanis and all other peoples from such a group as this.
            Knowing the Taliban and what they want for us and everyone else, I recognize them as our enemies. And I remember the instruction of Jesus, “love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44) With the Taliban, that will be hard to do. 

Grace and peace.

Saturday, September 27, 2014


             If you are like me you probably never heard of the Ebola virus until recent weeks. Ebola is transmitted from one person to another or from infected animals through bodily fluids. It is difficult to cure and the last figure I saw was 2400 dead as the virus ravages west Africa. Missionary doctors from the U.S. have contracted it as they treated others. These were flown back to the U.S. and recovered. The epidemic has not been slowed thus far.
            Diseases seemingly come out of nowhere and cause widespread death. HIV/Aids is still claiming many lives in Africa, even though medicines for treatment have been developed. Many lack the medicine or lack information about the disease.
            As I have noted before, we seem quite unable to help in these situations. That, of course, is not true. We can help financially to the extent God enables us. Locally, Eddie Gibson, on the staff of Sardis Baptist is working with Liberians in Birmingham, Al. to collect foodstuffs to Liberia where the Ebola outbreak has interfered with food production and availability. One result of the Ebola crisis is that my prayer list has expanded once again to include those fighting it in west Africa. I believe with all my heart that the Holy Spirit works through dedicated scientists and medical personnel to develop medicines and treatments for all kinds of diseases. Therefore I pray for God’s Spirit to do just that in the Ebola crisis. And I pray that God will help those who are ill, the families of those who succumb to the disease, and those who are ministering to them. Again, I believe with all my heart that God hears and acts in response to prayer. “Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” (Mark 11:24) 

Grace and peace.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


           Edward Snowden and his leaking of government surveillance information are still in the news and are considered editorially in the latest issue of Christianity Today. As I understand the issue the government, with other nations, has traced phone calls, emails and other correspondence of all of us. I further understand they have information on who we have phoned, who has phoned us, whom we have emailed and from whom we have received email. They do not have the actual communications, what was said or written, just the traffic information. They do therefore have information on the amount of traffic between people here and radicals in the near east, information I really want them to have.
            It doesn’t bother me for the government to know with whom I’ve been in contact. Now, if I was plotting some action detrimental to the nation or to businesses, or even to individuals, it would bother me for my communications to be tracked. Otherwise, I don’t think any of us should be upset over this kind of government surveillance. It goes back to the truth that we should not be engaged in anything we need to hide.
            Indeed, if we join the psalmist in his desire to, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer;” (Psalm 19:14) we then need not be concerned even if someone does know the content of our conversations and emails. If it is acceptable to God, surely it will be acceptable to most others.
Grace and peace.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


             The Holy Spirit gives gifts of service to all believers. “The Holy Spirit displays God’s power through each of us as a means of helping the entire church.” (1 Corinthians 12:7 TLB)  In this passage the apostle Paul lists the various gifts. Each of us has a gift or gifts which we know or should endeavor to discover. Every Christian is given a gift but it is implied that none is given all the gifts. And we cannot receive a gift on our own. They are given by the Spirit. If I could attain another spiritual gift it would be the gift of healing. When Jesus chose his twelve disciples he gave them the power to heal. (Matthew 10:1)
            Some claim the gift of healing was given only in the first century. Many who have claimed the gift, and famously so on TV and hyped healing crusades, have proven to be false upon investigation. This debate continues.
            I do know and have witnessed God giving miraculous healings in spite of scientific knowledge and hopeless symptoms. I have not seen it in connection to an individual “faith healer.” But I know God can do it. I don‘t know why one is healed and many others are not.
            So often I’ve been in a hospital room overcome with sympathy and wished for the ability to proclaim, “You are healed” or like Jesus “take up your bed and walk.” Alas, I do not have that gift.
            But I do believe God hears and answers prayers. I do not hesitate to pray in faith for His healing touch. I do not hesitate to anoint the sick with oil and, with others, pray for healing. And to His praise I have been granted the privilege of seeing it happen.
            Keep praying. Keep believing. God will act. 

Grace and Peace

Monday, August 18, 2014


            A couple of weeks ago I wrote of Liz and my tendency to over pack for any journey. For the past two weeks we have learned how little we need to get along.
            It began when Delta caused us to miss our connection in Atlanta. We spent the first night in an Atlanta hotel. We supposed Delta had sent our luggage on to London. We had some scant basics in our carryon pieces. The next day we flew to London but the Delta baggage people didn’t have the luggage and had no idea where it might be. We filled out forms, and as we were scheduled to fly British Airways to Leeds to join our tour group, they promised to send the bags to our hotel there. Guess what? They did not appear. More phone calls back to Heathrow to complain. They promised they would get the bags to our hotel in Glasgow where we would spend two nights. Guess what? They did not appear. More phone calls and promises they would get them to our next stop in Dublin where again we would stay two nights.  Guess what? They did not appear. More phone calls and more promises. They would get them to our hotel in Waterford. Repeat performance. They would get them to our hotel in Cardiff. Still no bags when we got back to London. We checked again with the baggage people at Heathrow. They supposedly had sent the bags after us but they didn’t get them to us. At that point they had no idea where they were. We are home today and only God knows where in His beautiful world our bags rest.
            In the meantime we bought a few pieces of clothing, a Jacket for Liz against the cold weather and an electric power converter, three of which were in our lost luggage. We washed clothes in the lavatory each night in our hotel room. It is amazing to me how little we got by with. Maybe this experience will inform our next packing for a trip.
            Otherwise, we still managed to enjoy the tour. And James tells us “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” (James 1:2-3)
Grace and peace.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


                           The past couple of days have been rather hectic for Liz and me as we prepared for our anniversary trip. First we had to measure our luggage to make sure its dimensions were allowed by the airline and the tour company. After doing so we needed to contemplate what to leave behind. We are notorious for packing too much for any trip. We tend to carry along anything we think we may need. And most of these are things which could easily be replaced along the way. We also pack as though there will be no laundry facilities where we stay; therefore we carry eleven days of clothes. In my case we need a suitcase just to carry all the medicines I take or use or may need. (Alka-Seltzer anyone?)
            This trip had a new wrinkle. I went to the library and downloaded some books to my I pad. No need to carry hard copies with me, even though I prefer reading from a page rather than a screen.
            Then we needed to get all our papers and passports together in logical order, which by no means indicate that we will not fumble with them as we need them.
            We finally got it all done, and will get on our way this afternoon. With all the air line tragedies lately, we covet your prayers for our safe travel.
            Our final trip will be much less hectic. The Lord will take us up to be with Him. We won’t need to take anything with us, no passports and no luggage. In fact, Liz is concerned by some of the depictions of the rapture which have people being caught up without their clothes! However He wants to take us is fine with me. “Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up….”(I Thessalonians 4:17) 

Grace and peace.

Sunday, August 3, 2014


I read something the other day which was encouraging to older adults like me. In an article AAA reported, “Drivers over 70 are as safe as drivers of 25. Drivers over 80 are less safe but still safer than drivers in their teens.” This contradicts popular opinion that all older drivers are less safe than any younger drivers.
Having been in a serious one vehicle accident last December, I was ready to believe popular opinion. But I knew my accident was not because of my age. It was simply a matter of distracted diving.
In fact, many older adults are doing things that many younger people cannot or will not do. This morning I watched an 89 year old friend on the tennis court moving well to the ball and stroking the ball with authority.  I saw on television a man who was 101 years old and running a marathon. Many older senior adults are going back to school, or learning a new language or composing music or poetry and writing novels. It isn’t age that makes the difference, but the physical condition and mental ambition of the individual.
When he was 85 years old Caleb reminded Joshua of the place God through Moses had given him and he was ready to go claim it. In the process he said the Lord had kept him alive and at this time he is as strong as he had been forty years earlier when he was sent to spy out the land. (Joshua 14) He went and conquered the land and continued to live.
If God blesses us with long life he also has a promise for us. “As your days, so shall your strength be.” (Deuteronomy 33:25)  

Grace and peace.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Holy Land War

              Israel and Gaza are at war again. The ongoing conflict has guilt on both sides. Obviously the Palestinians, or Hamas, for lobbing rockets into Israel. On the other side Israel is causing great suffering by closing off Gaza from trade and imports. Israel demands Hamas stop shelling. Hamas demands Israel lift the ongoing boycott. Israel has a right to try to protect her citizens from shelling. Hamas is right in seeking to free Gaza from the boycott and mitigate the people’s suffering.
            Why does God allow this? Why doesn’t God step in and stop it? The obvious answer to me is that God has given mankind a free will. Humans have the ability to make choices and God allows us to make those choices even if they are wrong. The boycott was the idea of men and the shelling is likewise the idea of men. This war will end when men decide to seek a settlement of issues and restore the peace. God will help us when we make good choices and engage in positive action. He even comes to our rescue sometimes when we have gotten ourselves into trouble by making the wrong choice.
            God has not left us to blunder along when making choices. He has given believers the Holy Spirit.  As Jesus said “when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:…”(John 16:13) But does the Holy Spirit speak to Jews and Moslem Palestinians? I am convinced that He does if they will listen.
Grace and peace.

Saturday, July 12, 2014


                 I typed this on the evening of July 4th, the birthday of our nation. Liz and I did not fight the traffic; carry our folding chairs, bug spray, radio and snacks to witness holiday fireworks in person. For the last couple of years we’ve been content to watch fireworks on our televisions. The last time we attended a fireworks display was with our grand boys. We also did not wait in a crowded restaurant to order the traditional bar-b-que and sweet tea. And I did not make the effort to grill outside. We had a celebrative dinner at home prepared in an air-conditioned kitchen.  These are symptoms of old age. As one grows older he begins to take the easiest path. Now if we had celebrated with family we  probably would have done these things, but none of our immediate family were in Birmingham today.
                Our relaxed observance of the day does not indicate a lesser appreciation of its importance. We feel a sense of pride and thankfulness as we put a US flag out front of our house. We have pride in the fact that the US, in our opinion, is the greatest nation on earth. It has its faults and problems, but it is the land of freedom and possibility. Millions of people around the world see us as the land of opportunity and seek to come here, even illegally.
And we are so thankful to live in this country. We are thankful that the bold experiment of democracy has endured these 238 years. This is a blessing from God. Our society is far from perfect, but we common people today live like the kings of former generations. So I give thanks to the founders of our nation and the generations which have preceded us. And most of all I give thanks to God. We sing, “God bless America” and God has already blessed America. I am confident He will continue to do so. The religious scene is rapidly changing, but the great majority of our citizens still believes in God and worships him. The Psalmist said, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” (Psalm 33:12)
Grace  and peace.

Saturday, June 28, 2014


                Previously I mentioned a gift for our fifty-fifth anniversary. Liz hates to fly over the ocean. But she has conceded that she would cross one more time for a trip to the British Isles. We had been to London once but London was all we saw. As I began thinking about this milestone fifty-fifth anniversary it occurred to me that such a trip would be just the thing for our celebration. Several months ago I began plotting and getting reservations for the trip. So I surprised her with an eleven day tour of Britain; i.e. England, Scotland, North Ireland, Ireland and Wales. The trip is scheduled for August 7-17.
                I predicted to our children her first question would be, “How are you paying for this?” So I explained to her that I started the process months ago by selling my little truck. I hadn’t been using it much since we moved into the Oaks on Parkwood.  I sold my guns, neither of which had been fired in over three decades. Then I began to squirrel away from our budget a little here and a little there until I had the expense covered.
                Neither of us has a “bucket list,” but I suspect, considering our ages and the cost of travel, this will be the last major trip we will undertake. I am grateful to the Lord for our current health and the resources to accomplish it. I am grateful to the Lord that together we have been able to see much of His beautiful world. We have traveled together to Mexico, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Greece, Italy, London, Israel twice, Hawaii, Alaska now the whole of the British Isles. We have also been in all fifty states of our country.
                With the seraphim in the temple vision of Isaiah I can declare, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!” (Isaiah 6:3)
Grace and peace.

Monday, June 23, 2014


An earlier version of this blog somehow disappeared.

              Last week Liz and I celebrated our Fifty-Fifth wedding anniversary. We recognize in doing so we are greatly blessed. Many of our friends and contemporaries are not so blessed because one or the other of these couples has died. Also, a few have experienced the trauma of divorce. God has blessed us with life and love. It’s awesome to realize we have been together so long. (We dated five years before we married, so we’ve actually “been together” sixty years.)
                I wrote a short verse for the occasion to accompany a gift. It goes as follows:
                “Sakes alive! Sakes alive!"
Here we are at fifty-five!
Fifty five? Yes fifty-five!
What causes a marriage so long to survive?
First, enough health for US to last so long.
Second, a love that is unusually strong.
A love that sees in each the best
And then ignores all the rest.
We rejoice today in what we’ve been given,
And trust it will last ‘til we get to heaven.”
                (i.e. ‘til death do us part.)
 More about the gift later. Liz certainly didn’t expect I t.
                So rejoice with us and pray for us. Pray that God will continue to give us good health and that we will remain in the center of God’s will. Kit and Julie received many good wishes for us on their posts for our anniversary, and we received many cards and phone calls. Thank you all who communicated.
And remember; love endures, is kind, never fails, does not envy, is not proud, behaves, doesn’t claim its rights, isn’t easily provoked, assumes the best, rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, “love never fails.”
 (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
Grace and peace.

Monday, June 2, 2014


            Fifty-four years ago I had the privilege of presiding at the wedding of my brother, Bill, and his bride, Evelyn Connell. Then twenty-four years later I was given the privilege of presiding at the wedding of their daughter, Peggy, and her fiancé, Donnie Helms. And now, two generations later I was invited by Bill’s granddaughter, Katie Helms, to officiate at her marriage to Andrew Gilliam (May31st). I have officiated at the marriages of couples and their child, two generations. This is the first time I have conducted weddings for three generations. Words cannot express how pleased I am to be a part of each of these weddings. I rejoice in the strong Christian families each has produced.

            Bill was present to give away his daughter at her wedding, and I regret he will not be present for the wedding of his granddaughter. He died an early death in the summer of 1999. But wait a minute…he will be present. Having written last week about John MacArthur’s book “The Glory of Heaven,” I reflect that no one really knows what heaven is really like. Many ideas have been suggested by a multitude of people. But one thing of which I am sure is that those people who are there are aware of what is happening on earth. Having described the faith of the Old Testament believers now in heaven, the writer of Hebrews declares “we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses.” Heaven is full of witnesses. One of these is my brother Bill who will certainly witness the wedding of his granddaughter. And I am also convinced that another “Bill” Deason will be a witness, Katie’s great grandfather whom she never knew.

Being surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, “let us run with endurance the race which is set before us, looking unto Jesus…” (Hebrews 12:1-2)


Wednesday, May 21, 2014


             In his latest book, “The Glory of Heaven,” John McArthur challenges the growing number of first hand reports by people who have died and then been brought back to life, and described a trip into heaven or another world. His main thesis is that these stories do not harmonize with the Bible, our source of divine truth. He is especially hard on “Heaven is For Real,” published in 2010 and a best seller since. The story, told by Todd Burpo, is of Colton, his three year old son’s visit to heaven while undergoing surgery for a ruptured appendix.  McArthur rejects outright Colton’s descriptions of buddy-buddy paling around with Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. Much of what Colton describes sounds to McArthur like scenes from some of the Bible picture books read to Colton since his birth.

            To McArthur most of the life after life or heavenly visits are focused on the individual involved, almost wholly leaving out the presence, majesty and glory of God as described in scripture. He is also troubled by the universalism taught in some of them.

            Although I have not been as critical as McArthur, I must agree with his observances. Still these experiences related by others have been a real blessing to me and an affirmation that something good is out there beyond this life. Paul claims in a visit to the highest heaven that he saw things which cannot be described with words. (2 Corinthians 12:1-6) Here lately describing in words seems to be no problem.

            But we do not claim testimonies of people who supposedly have been there and come back for our hope of heaven. Rather we claim the promise of Jesus who told us “I go and prepare a place for you… I will come again and receive you unto Myself;” (John 14:2-3)
Grace and peace.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


              “Snakes on Campus!” I did a double take at the news account of snakes on the campus of Samford University. In the Bible the devil is portrayed as a serpent, a snake, in the Genesis account. Condemning the scribes and Pharisees, false teachers and hypocrites, Jesus calls them snakes and vipers. (Matthew 23:33) We call a shady, conniving or evil person a snake. A snake on campus conjures up the image of a false teacher, a professor who leads students astray.

                But the news article referred to real flesh and blood snakes, Copperheads, which have bitten two students this academic year. Now that is a serious problem. The administration assures us they are doing all they can to rid the campus of such creatures, but that the efforts are only partially effective because the campus is so wooded and ivy covered. In the meantime they warn students and others to be watchful and alert to such a danger.

                Of Samford I am confident there are fewer two legged snakes on its campus than on most state schools. Not that Samford is heaven on earth, or as Grady Nutt referred to Mississippi College as being “ten miles from the nearest known sin.” But as news sources report one in five coeds on state campuses being raped, mostly at drunken orgies, I once again thank God for Samford and similar Christian Universities. Being a graduate and familiar with the bible and theology professors, although I disagree with them on some points, I am confident there are no snakes teaching the Bible, and I have no knowledge of heresy being taught in any other disciplines.

                But even as we need to be watchful for snakes on campus we need even more to be aware of that other snake. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” (1Peter 5:8)

 (Note: My computer was out of service for several weeks. Glad to be back.)

Grace and peace.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


               I am impressed by advances made in automobile technology. I now have “On star” in my vehicle, a system through which I can receive step by step directions to my selected destination. It will also alert emergency responders if I have an accident and inform them of my location. It will also call whom I wish in an emergency situation. It is also equipped with hands free phone calling, if I choose to use it.          

On TV I’ve seen autos which parallel park themselves. The driver takes his hands off the steering wheel and allows the car to do its thing. Already they have produced a car which is completely automatic, it drives itself. You just tell it where you want to go and it takes you there. It should be on the market within this decade. Wow! Read the paper while you commute. No more accidents and no more speeding tickets. You see, humans, who are prone to errors and mistakes are removed from the process

            To bad we can’t come up with autopilots for humans themselves. Program them to follow God’s will and they could keep us on track. Wait. For Christians there is already something like that. Paul urges us, “Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” (Galatians 5:16) But to walk in the Spirit would take away our free will. Too many times we want to do our will rather than God’s.

            Walk in the Spirit. He will keep you on track.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


            On television we watched as Malaysian Airlines informed families of those on Flight MH370 that all lives were lost. Some fell down, shouted aloud, and responded with other outward signs of inconsolable grief. I was not surprised but was troubled by it. Of course, I don’t know how I would react if I believed I would never see my loved one again in life or in death, if I believed they would return to earth reincarnated into a person, animal or thing I would not recognize. Of course different societies or cultures have different ways of confronting grief.

            But I have in person seen this kind of reaction. Being a pastor in a small community (Reform, AL) I was at times called by personnel at our small hospital to come and be with a family who had no pastor of their own. I remember one vivid scene when the patient passed away and the family acted the same as the Chinese. They swooned, hollered aloud, beat on furniture and engaged in all sorts of expressions. Nothing I could say was of comfort to them. They were inconsolable.

            As the family was carrying on, an attending nurse observed to me, “It makes so much difference when people have faith and when they don’t.” I am sure she had seen it often.

            When people have faith, accept that in Jesus we have everlasting life, that we who believe in Jesus will see each other after physical death in the place he has prepared for us; facing the death of a loved one is so much easier. We remember the words of Jesus, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in me, though he is dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die.” (John 11:25-26)

            I add the question that Jesus asked,”do you believe this?”


Grace and Peace

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


The late Doug Marlette (d. 2007) was an honored editorial cartoonist for several newspapers. He also drew a comic strip named “Kudzu” which chronicled the adventures of an imaginary pastor named Will B. Dunn. (Some of the Kudzu strips still run in contemporary publications.)

In some of the strips Rev. Dunn experiments with “pray-zac,” a takeoff on the widely popular antidepressant Prozac. The theory behind pray-zac is that sufficient and sincere prayer will give one a spiritual and emotional uplift and a peace that passes all understanding. Pastor Dunn does an experiment and finds that it is true.

Many of us have also found it to be true. Particularly in times of depression, stress or challenge, prayer has been that which uplifted us, gave us joy in the midst of the circumstance, and a peace that really does surpass understanding. We know what Christians across the centuries have known. And it is described by Paul in Philippians 4:6-7, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Try pray-zac. You’ll love it.


Grace and Peace

Friday, March 14, 2014


              Some of my preacher friends were discussing Ash Wednesday services in their various churches. My though was “What do Baptists have to do with Ash Wednesday?” Such observances began in the Roman Catholic Church in the ninth century. During the reformation the practice did not transfer to the protestant churches but over the years it became popular in the liturgical ones (Episcopal, Presbyterian, etc.). As a child growing up in a Baptist church, which was very formal but not liturgical, I never knew of Ash Wednesday or Lent until I studied them in school.

            The explanation of the ritual is that ashes in the form of a cross on one’s forehead represent mourning and repentance, recognition of our mortality, and the beginning of the forty days of self denial which is Lent.

            I have no problem with the observance. One Catholic source claims that more people attend the Ash Wednesday service than attend at Christmas or Easter. The practice has become so popular ashes are offered on street corners and in drive-thrus.

If someone asks me what I am giving up for Lent, however, I reply, “Nothing.”  The call of Christ to self denial has no time limit. “Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”  (Matthew 16:24)


Grace and Peace

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


              Something you seldom see is a unanimous vote in smaller Baptist congregations on matters of great change to programs or facilities. I saw such a vote Sunday morning, February 23rd. The congregation of Central Park Baptist voted to enter discussions with the Birmingham Baptist Foundation concerning the foundation using the property of the church as a hub for Missions in the western section of Birmingham. This conversation will begin very soon.

            There was a real sense of unity in the Holy Spirit, the “sweet, sweet spirit in this place” we often sing about. The Spirit had led each member to conclude that this was the direction in which He was leading us. As pastor I am extremely grateful for the unity and the anticipation demonstrated in the vote. After walking with the congregation these four and a half years and joining with them in seeking a way forward into the future, and trying several false starts, I believe we are on the same page as God.

            In view of the glorious history of the church as a leading congregation in Birmingham and particularly on the west side of the city, I am excited in contemplating the expanding ministry at this place led by the foundation. Please pray for the discussions which will take place. And pray that God will use this campus as a continuing lighthouse for our Lord Jesus Christ in west Birmingham and beyond.

            ” Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” (Mark 11:24)


Grace and Peace

Thursday, February 20, 2014


             Jesus instructs us in His sermon on the mount, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7) I often teach that we should not only pray without ceasing, but also that we need to pray about everything. No request is too petty for our God.

            God in his infinite knowledge is currently keeping up with 6,000,000,000 + individuals in this world. With His infinite knowledge and His infinite power, I am convinced He is able to keep up with the prayers, great and small, of all these people, and to respond to their prayers.

            I have taught that we need to pray in the least of matters. Car keys lost? Tell God about it and that you need some help finding them. Stymied on a project? Talk to Him about it and your need for some insight or inspiration. I have found that it is not coincidental that I soon have the location of the lost object or the inspiration sought. So I make a habit of praying about everything going on in my life, no matter how insignificant.

            I was pleased recently when someone shared that they, in response to my preaching, had begun to do the same, and that they have been amazed at how often God answers these prayers, sometimes almost immediately. So I urge you once again, pray about everything, great and small. God hears and helps.


Grace and Peace

Saturday, February 15, 2014


             The news media has given much coverage lately on the government’s collection through the NSA of the phone call history of all Americans. This has been going on since the 9/11 attack and was authorized as part of our defense against terrorists. We are assured that only call history has been logged, not actual conversations. I recognize this as an illegal invasion of privacy, but it does not bother me, nor would it bother me if they had recorded actual conversations. I have nothing to hide.

            It is amazing to me, however, that with today’s technology that the government can store billions and billions of bits of information in a data base. I cannot even imagine the extent of such a record.

            At times I have wondered how God can keep up with complete knowledge of all things. He knows who has phoned who in this world and the content of their conversation. But I am assured that, if man can invent computers of such capacity, God can certainly do better. How He does it we do not know but we are told He does it. “Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding (knowledge) is infinite.” (Psalm 147:5)

            God not only knows whom we have phoned and what was said, He knows all our thoughts and every action. God knows all about us. He knows our needs and desires before we tell Him.

            God knows and God cares.


Grace and Peace

Sunday, February 2, 2014


              Target stores recently revealed that cyber criminals had stolen information on millions of their customers. This information can enable the thieves to steal the identity of those whose information they have accessed. By stealing someone’s identity they can tap into their bank accounts or use their credit cards. In this age of on-line transactions, plastic card purchases, and cyber profiles which contain complete information about us, we enter a whole new world of theft.

I’ve sought to learn all the things we are advised to do in order to protect ourselves from identity theft and thereby protect our assets from this new generation of thieves. The truth, alas, is these cyber thieves will continue to work and will find new ways to steal. Even as safes, strong boxes and bank vaults could not eradicate theft in former generations, cyber theft, I fear, will not be eradicated.

Jesus gave us a formula for defeating the thieves.

Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches or moth destroys.” (Luke 12:32-34) But, someone may object, I still will not have my assets. Yes we will. We will have “a treasure in the heavens.” And in this world we will know where our treasure is invested, the people it has helped, and the continuing impact it will have for the Kingdom.


Grace and Peace


                  I am writing this after arriving home this afternoon (Thursday January, 30). I spent the last two nights away due to the snowstorm which hit on Tuesday. I was downtown when the roads became choked and impassable so I walked to UAB hospital and got some lunch in the cafeteria, and then went over into Kirkland Clinic. Gratefully the clinic allowed some of us stranded people to stay overnight in the hallways of the second floor. They provided blankets and pillows for people to “sleep” in the waiting room chairs. They also provided food that evening and Wednesday morning. Wednesday we were advised to continue to stay off the roadways. I received an emergency supply of necessary medications (with a four hour wait and terrible price at the Kirkland pharmacy). Wednesday night I spent with a gracious friend on the Southside. By mid morning I walked back to my auto and the instate highways were all open. So I made it home by lunchtime.

                We all, of course, had to put up with the two inch snow that paralyzed our city. We are just not equipped for such a storm. The stories of many people were worse than mine, i.e. abandoning vehicles and walking for miles and miles through the snow.

                There are plus sides to the storm. One was the beauty of the snow covered earth to us southerners. Another was the stillness and quiet. Everything stopped. Places we thought we needed to go and things we thought we needed to do had to be postponed. For most of us, we just needed to be still like the world outside. It was like God saying to us, “Be still, and know that I am God…” (Psalm 46:10)

Sunday, January 5, 2014


HAPPY NEW YEAR! Many have said it to me and I have said it to them and many others. Most, I perceive, understand their statement as a wish in the sense of “I hope you will have a happy new year.” For some of us, it is a promise, i.e. I will have a happy new year, and you will have a happy new year!
Now that is a presumptuous statement. None of us know what will happen in the next twelve months. There will certainly be some good times, some victories, some progress, some divine healings and blessings of many kinds. But also there will be troubles such as sickness, death, accidents, setbacks, conflicts and woes of various degrees. But in Christ we share the confidence of David, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want….Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.” (Psalm 23:1,6)
            This confidence is expressed in a popular gospel song, “Through It All,” one verse of which says:
            “I thank God for the mountains,
            and I thank Him for the valleys,
            I thank Him for the storms He brought me through.
            For if I’d never had a problem,
            I wouldn’t know God could solve them,
            I’d never know what faith in God could do.          
            Through it all, through it all,
            I’ve learned to trust in Jesus, I’ve learned to trust in God.”

            Because we are confident that Jesus loves us, and because we are confident that God is our Shepherd, we know that, through it all, this will be a happy new year. 

Grace and Peace


Friday, January 3, 2014


Thank all of you who have assured me of your prayers and wished me a speedy recovery. Many have asked me how I am doing and I have not responded to all the emails, posts and other inquiries. So now, at the changeover of years, allow me to do so here.
As most of you know, on November 30th I looked down at a GPS while driving into a curve, looked up to see I was going off the road into a mud puddle, and over corrected which caused me to slide across the road into some trees. For once I did not have my seat belt fastened so I was thrown around the air bag. My head went through the windshield and I was then thrown against the passenger side door. I was knocked out for two or three minutes but was awake and lucid by the time someone stopped. After twelve hours in the ER I missed Sunday services the next day. I haven’t missed any services since. My face and scalp were cut up, the index finger of the left hand was broken, one vertebrae in the neck was chipped and there were bruises and pulled muscles everywhere. Now, a month later, my face and scalp have healed but I                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I still have pins in the finger and a brace on my neck. These will be with me for a few more weeks.
In answer to your inquiries, I am doing fine. I haven’t been limited in activities except for tennis (alas!). Without a divine miracle, healing is a slow process, but I will get there. I’ve told a few friends that with the Lord and Lortab (a pain killer) I’m doing fine. (And I have certainly been thanking God for the medical scientists who, under His inspiration, have made pain killers available.)
Please continue to pray for me as I do for you. 

Grace and Peace