This week some will observe April Fools Day, which is the first day of April. No one has tried to make me an April fool in many years, but some still try to fool others. One year, my late brother, Bill, on the phone with his oldest grandchild, then in grade school, had her believing that an airplane had landed in his back yard. Well, you can’t blame a young girl for believing what her grandfather told her, even on April 1st. All of this is, of course, in fun. And I suppose all of us have been tricked into being an April fool at some time or another.
But there are some people who are fools all the time. In the Bible we are told of Nabal, whose name is sometimes translated as “fool.” (1 Samuel 25:25) What a way to go through life. Also in Psalm 14:1 we read, “The fool has said in his heart, there is no God.” According to that, the number of fools in the United States is growing rapidly. According to polls, more and more US citizens are reporting themselves as atheists or agnostics. After this life they will regrettably discover their foolishness.
But the biggest fool of all is the person who believes in God, but acts like there is no God. They ignore His offer of Salvation through Jesus Christ. Or they claim a relationship with Jesus Christ and then act like the devil. Their surprise in eternity may be the biggest of all, when they cry out, “Lord, Lord” and Jesus says, “I never knew you.” They will realize how big a fool they have been.
On the other hand, Paul labels himself and his coworkers as fools, “We are fools for Christ’s sake…” (1 Corinthians 4:10) To the world, anyone who exhibits zealousness for the gospel looks like a fool. Amen! May their tribe increase!
Grace and peace.
In answer to some questions, I hope to post something new at least once a week.
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