“No New Taxes” is a theme being often stated in the political campaigns this year. Or some proclaim the idea of cutting the taxes which already are on the books. Of course we have income taxes, property taxes, vehicle taxes, gasoline taxes, sales taxes and on and on.
Wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t have to pay taxes at all? Or would it? We depend on federal, state and local governments for a lot of things. Our military defends us, our local law enforcement protects us, the government makes sure our food and drugs are safe, the government seeks to insure that the transportation we use from airlines to buses, operate as safely as possible, and on and on. These services do not come free. Someone must pay for them. That “someone” is the various governments which provide them. The only way the government can raise money to do so is through taxes. We can argue over the priority of taxes or the equality of responsibility (i.e. my taxes verses your taxes). But in a democracy the people must pay the bills. So let the politicians talk all they wish, it will not change that truth.
When Jesus was asked about paying taxes, he responded, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” We need to do the same. The government must have enough revenue to provide the services we need and want.
Grace and peace.
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