1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is what God wants you to do.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


            For the next two weeks Liz and I will be on vacation in Alaska. We will complete our visits to all fifty states. Since we married we have visited forty nine states. Now one or two of those visits were rather short, but most of the states we have spent some time in for recreation, mission trips or conventions. The only state we haven’t been in is Alaska. Someone asked if this is part of our “bucket list.” No. I don’t think either of us has a bucket list. But I knew that if we were to visit Alaska too, we needed to get it done now, while we can still walk and still know where we are.
            From time to time I see a tag of the United States on an automobile or recreational vehicle with the states they have visited colored in; sort of braggadocios. For me, accomplishing the feat of visiting all fifty states is not a cause to brag, but a cause for which to be thankful. I thank God for the privilege. And as I look back, I stand amazed by God’s grace that allowed us to do so, and on a preacher’s salary.
            We have seen for ourselves what a grand and beautiful land is ours. And I am constantly reminded of all the wonders we have seen. The mouse pad on my desk is a picture of the Grand Canyon brought to me by my grandson returning from a Birmingham Boys Choir trip. Watching news stories from all over the nation, we remember when we were at that very location.
            As wonderful and beautiful as all the states are, Alabama with its mountains and beaches, rivers and lakes, is still our favorite. 

Grace and peace. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012


             Football is back. For the next four months, millions will be rooting their favorite teams to victory. No doubt about it, I love watching college football on television.
            A couple of million or more will attend a game in person this weekend.  Stadiums accommodate more and more fans. Between Alabama and Auburn and other smaller universities and colleges in our state, on some weekends upwards of two hundred thousand will be in the stadia.
            To purchase season tickets for either of the major universities, one must make a significant contribution to their programs, Tigers Unlimited or Tide Pride. The higher the contribution or the longer one has participated gives one a higher priority seat wise. I know some who give thousands of dollars annually.
            Add to the contributions the cost of season tickets, five or six hundred dollars each, and then add the cost of attending the games themselves, i.e. travel, accommodations and or food, and a couple or family can easily spend ten thousand dollars for a season of football. Some, I am sure, spend well in excess of that.
            I would be curious to know how many spend more on football annually than they give to the Lord’s work. Quite a few I guess in that national surveys indicate the average family gives 3% of its income (less than $2,000 per year) to all charities, including churches.
            Jesus taught, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21) Turn that around and it says where your heart is, there is where your treasure will go. Football is certainly not more important than God, but for some it would seem that way.
            “Go Team!” But pass the offering plate first.
Grace and peace.