1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is what God wants you to do.

Monday, August 18, 2014


            A couple of weeks ago I wrote of Liz and my tendency to over pack for any journey. For the past two weeks we have learned how little we need to get along.
            It began when Delta caused us to miss our connection in Atlanta. We spent the first night in an Atlanta hotel. We supposed Delta had sent our luggage on to London. We had some scant basics in our carryon pieces. The next day we flew to London but the Delta baggage people didn’t have the luggage and had no idea where it might be. We filled out forms, and as we were scheduled to fly British Airways to Leeds to join our tour group, they promised to send the bags to our hotel there. Guess what? They did not appear. More phone calls back to Heathrow to complain. They promised they would get the bags to our hotel in Glasgow where we would spend two nights. Guess what? They did not appear. More phone calls and promises they would get them to our next stop in Dublin where again we would stay two nights.  Guess what? They did not appear. More phone calls and more promises. They would get them to our hotel in Waterford. Repeat performance. They would get them to our hotel in Cardiff. Still no bags when we got back to London. We checked again with the baggage people at Heathrow. They supposedly had sent the bags after us but they didn’t get them to us. At that point they had no idea where they were. We are home today and only God knows where in His beautiful world our bags rest.
            In the meantime we bought a few pieces of clothing, a Jacket for Liz against the cold weather and an electric power converter, three of which were in our lost luggage. We washed clothes in the lavatory each night in our hotel room. It is amazing to me how little we got by with. Maybe this experience will inform our next packing for a trip.
            Otherwise, we still managed to enjoy the tour. And James tells us “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” (James 1:2-3)
Grace and peace.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


                           The past couple of days have been rather hectic for Liz and me as we prepared for our anniversary trip. First we had to measure our luggage to make sure its dimensions were allowed by the airline and the tour company. After doing so we needed to contemplate what to leave behind. We are notorious for packing too much for any trip. We tend to carry along anything we think we may need. And most of these are things which could easily be replaced along the way. We also pack as though there will be no laundry facilities where we stay; therefore we carry eleven days of clothes. In my case we need a suitcase just to carry all the medicines I take or use or may need. (Alka-Seltzer anyone?)
            This trip had a new wrinkle. I went to the library and downloaded some books to my I pad. No need to carry hard copies with me, even though I prefer reading from a page rather than a screen.
            Then we needed to get all our papers and passports together in logical order, which by no means indicate that we will not fumble with them as we need them.
            We finally got it all done, and will get on our way this afternoon. With all the air line tragedies lately, we covet your prayers for our safe travel.
            Our final trip will be much less hectic. The Lord will take us up to be with Him. We won’t need to take anything with us, no passports and no luggage. In fact, Liz is concerned by some of the depictions of the rapture which have people being caught up without their clothes! However He wants to take us is fine with me. “Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up….”(I Thessalonians 4:17) 

Grace and peace.

Sunday, August 3, 2014


I read something the other day which was encouraging to older adults like me. In an article AAA reported, “Drivers over 70 are as safe as drivers of 25. Drivers over 80 are less safe but still safer than drivers in their teens.” This contradicts popular opinion that all older drivers are less safe than any younger drivers.
Having been in a serious one vehicle accident last December, I was ready to believe popular opinion. But I knew my accident was not because of my age. It was simply a matter of distracted diving.
In fact, many older adults are doing things that many younger people cannot or will not do. This morning I watched an 89 year old friend on the tennis court moving well to the ball and stroking the ball with authority.  I saw on television a man who was 101 years old and running a marathon. Many older senior adults are going back to school, or learning a new language or composing music or poetry and writing novels. It isn’t age that makes the difference, but the physical condition and mental ambition of the individual.
When he was 85 years old Caleb reminded Joshua of the place God through Moses had given him and he was ready to go claim it. In the process he said the Lord had kept him alive and at this time he is as strong as he had been forty years earlier when he was sent to spy out the land. (Joshua 14) He went and conquered the land and continued to live.
If God blesses us with long life he also has a promise for us. “As your days, so shall your strength be.” (Deuteronomy 33:25)  

Grace and peace.