1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is what God wants you to do.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Planning Ahead

       In my lack of computer knowledge I sometimes think I have posted something and then do not see in on this blog.  Such is the case with some thoughts on July 4th and our celebration of freedom.  If I find it somewhere in my files, I will post it later.

       In Proverbs we are told; "There are many plans in a man's heart." (Proverbs 19:21)  That is so true.  Our heads are full of so many different plans.  And planning is wise.  Planning ahead is necessary, but some things don't work out the way you think they will.  Twelve years ago, when we moved back to Birmingham, Liz and I purchased a large house with a large lawn.  I enjoyed keepting the lawn, trees and shrubs.  I also enjoyed handyman projects.  I enjoyed repairing things which needed repair.  I single handedly remodeled all three bathrooms.  We imagined living out our lives in a home we really love.  But things changed.  We got older.  The stairs have become a challenge for us both.  And the home repairs and landscape are now more than I want to keep up with.  We need to downsize to one level.  So we find ourselves trying  to sell our loved house in the worst housing markets in decades.  As it turned out we did not plan far enough ahead.
       When my father-in-law died in 1989, he was buried in a plot in Elmwood cemetery which had been in the family for decades.  Liz and I decided we needed to plan ahead for our own resting places.  A couple of decades ago we purchased a companion mausoleum crypt at Elmwood (i.e. a place for the two of us).  But this time our plans changed and we no longer need the mausoleum crypt, so we have offered it for sale at a bargain price.  But it seems there is not much traffic in the resale of cemetery plots or mausoleum crypts.        
       The Proverb says; “There are many plans in a man’s heart, nevertheless the Lord’s counsel – that will stand.”  Only the Lord knows the future and we need to know that our plans may not stand, only God’s.
        The old saying is true; the only sure things in this world are death and taxes.  The only sure thing in preplanning is to plan our location in the next life.  Jesus said; "I go to prepare a place for you."  You can have an eternal place in heaven if you welcome Jesus into your heart now.

Grace and peace.

1 comment:

  1. But all we can do is plan for what we know at the time. I think its better to plan for what you know, even if it changes, than to not plan at all.
